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PianoGames: The Michael Jackson Hoax Death Investigation

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PostSubject: Interesting puzzle pieces   Interesting puzzle pieces Icon_minitimeFri May 06, 2011 12:48 am

I'm not proud of myself. I stole this from another forum. Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed

Read this is very intresting.

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PostSubject: Re: Interesting puzzle pieces   Interesting puzzle pieces Icon_minitimeFri May 06, 2011 12:00 pm

Wow! Thanks for sharing that Manu! The images of the person standing inside the hospital BEFORE they moved the body to the helicopter is AMAZING! The so called body with the straps on is STOOD there! I have never seen that before bounce bounce Seeing all of those pictures has got me very excited!

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PostSubject: Re: Interesting puzzle pieces   Interesting puzzle pieces Icon_minitimeFri May 06, 2011 12:51 pm

Yeah thanks great find, it don't matter where it came from, I'd forgotten & overlooked clues around the helicopter journey, I'm gonna have a closer look later, it's all for love.

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PostSubject: Re: Interesting puzzle pieces   Interesting puzzle pieces Icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2011 7:48 pm

One step ahead of you RogerRabbit! I took the picture of the top of the coroners report that Clueless (the user on that form) made and i added stuff. All my additions are in either RED or ORANGE with CIRCLES instead of SQUARES....

Interesting puzzle pieces The_mj10


I'm gonna go from left to right across the rows okay?


  • First is the incident date, and it says 062509. Good, except for the 9 looks like a 4...

  • The second and third boxes are the Incident Number and the Dispatch code, both of which are SUPPOSED TO have FOUR digits, there are only 3 digits in each.

  • Next 3 boxes are fine.

  • Box number 7 is FIRST ON SCENE (code of paramedic/EMT that arrived first... there are supposed to be 5 digits (there is) but there's clearly an EXTRA SPACE!

  • Next box is for false calls (if that particular call proved to be fake). Nothing is written in that box, but there is a questionable mark, it could've possibly been erased as well.

  • Next two boxes are fine.

  • Last box (Dead On Arrival) SHOULD'VE been checked off (the paramedics said he was dead when they got to his house, remember?)

  • First box is the Company ID #, and there are supposed to be 5 digits, ONE IS MISSING!

  • Second and third boxes are the time of alarm and time of scene (time when they arrived) and they are set in military time. We can see that it only took 4 minutes from the time of the alarm to get the paramedics to his house... this sounds HIGHLY improbable, I would think it's a larger distance between MJJ's house and the location of the ambulance... (maybe, maybe not)

  • Next box is time of starting transport to UCLA, there's only supposed to be 4 digits (there is) but there's ANOTHER EXTRA SPACE!

  • Next 4 boxes are fine.

  • First box is the ID # for the hospital the patient was transferred to (in this case, UCLA). The ID # checks out with the hospital, but here's the interesting part! THERE ARE TWO UCLA HOSPITALS!!! One in (I think) LA and the other in SANTA MONICA. Remember when we saw that video about how UCLA couldn't comment on what happened on that day and stuff? WEIRD!

  • The box RIGHT UNDERNEATH that box is weird. Why? This box is entitled Code 3. This box is ONLY TO BE CHECKED if the patient in question was transported in "emergency mode" (I don't know the correct term). "Emergency mode" is when a patient is transported with the vehicle's sirens on and all the noises activated for the ambulance in question. So basically, it's saying that MJJ was transported to the hospital WITH THE SIRENS and SOUNDS ON... when he wasn't (remember that video about the sirens being off, and the ambulance waiting for the tour bus to exit first from MJJ's driveway?)

That's it for now. Part Two is coming up tomorrow! (I have homework to do! (:-D)
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PostSubject: Re: Interesting puzzle pieces   Interesting puzzle pieces Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2011 12:31 am

That is too good,Julia! Thanks for sharing all these Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Interesting puzzle pieces   Interesting puzzle pieces Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2011 1:00 am

Hoax sources had suggested mj completed it himself, it's all for love.
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PostSubject: Re: Interesting puzzle pieces   Interesting puzzle pieces Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2011 4:34 am

hmm very interesting...now there is no way a 'professional' would fill it out like this in a real situation Razz
thanks for sharing that Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Interesting puzzle pieces   Interesting puzzle pieces Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2011 8:23 am

Wow! Nice daemon.trances! BTW, about what you wrote below:

Quote :
Second and third boxes are the time of alarm and time of scene (time when they arrived) and they are set in military time. We can see that it only took 4 minutes from the time of the alarm to get the paramedics to his house... this sounds HIGHLY improbable, I would think it's a larger distance between MJJ's house and the location of the ambulance... (maybe, maybe not)

I heard from multiple people that it took the ambulance 6 minutes lol! So when I saw this I was like affraid lol! Also, as we all know, it is 4 minutes from the Beverly Hills Hotel (where the call was made from), so what if the ambulance came from there? (Just a thought but probably not right)

Thanks for posting that! Can't wait for the next part!

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PostSubject: Re: Interesting puzzle pieces   Interesting puzzle pieces Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2011 1:16 am

A good summary, I have found from Clueless101

von Clueless101 ยป Do Mai 19, 2011 11:14 pm

Let's see what we have so far:

1. News articles reporting him dead on May 25th and June 14th with either having had a heart attack, a cardiac arrest or going into a coma.

2. TMZ reported at 2:20 PM that he was dead while the LA Times reported it at 2:06 - he was pronounced dead by Jermaine at 2:26.

3. The properties of the ambulance pic at the hospital shows it was taken June 24th.

4. Ben blunders talking about the people who would make money off of the last pic of Michael Jackson - he says 'that day & the other ddd......'.

5. Brian Oxman CONFIRMS the ambulance pic of Michael is FAKE!

6. We have someone hanging out in front of Carolwood in a red car while the ambulance is there.

7. When the body is taken from UCLA to the helicopter to go to the Coroners office we see black straps around the body. After the body is placed into the helicopter we see men walking away from the helicopter back to the doors of UCLA and they stop to talk to some people - especially one who happens to be in a WHITE ROBE, WHITE T-SHIIRT AND WHITE SOCKS!!!! In all honesty this goes against HIPA regulations!!! The helicopter then takes off and in flight you can see the black straps plus the body moves upward as though the person is trying to sit up. The helicopter lands and you can now see the body with the black straps in the far rear and another body in white up front with NO STRAPS - this is the body that goes into the coroners van.

8. Flight plans for N950DG for June 25th, 2009 don't exist! There was no flight plan for that day!

9. Death certificate shows the Hayvenhurst home as being the address where the Michael lived, he lived at 100 North Carolwood.

10. Middle name on death certificate shows Joseph - legal docs (including passports and court records) show JOE. The FBI files shows JOE as his TRUE middle name.

11. Forest Lawn comes up empty when you do a search for Michael.

12. The social security number that is associated with Michael Jackson in this hoax comes back as can't be found under that name.

13. A gentleman (other then our Murray) was named as Dr. Conrad Murray from Texas and then was taken down after someone complained about it. This gentleman was also at Murray's child support hearing and sat behind Murray on Feb. 8th, 2010 in court!

14. Kenny Ortega told us 'we were her a little less than a week ago and Michael was with us'. No matter how you do the math MIchael was ALIVE at this time. The Memorial happened 12 days AFTER June 25th, 7 days prior to that would have been June 30th, which is 5 days AFTER Michael died which would mean he was alive after June 25th!!!

15. Kenny also told us that 'every day he brought Michael into the room with me, 'YA KNOW!!!'.

16. The Memorial was all about the King of Pop including showing Michael behind the camera from Liberian Girl, added S to pain in Will You Be There and included 2 pics that relate to TII; we have Michael behind a camera at Center Staging and we were given a pic that says I'm Alive at the very end of the Memorial like we were given Michael talking at the very end of TII after the credits were done rolling - snap my fingers and then BAM!

17. The autopsy says that Michael has brown hair but he has black hair,, he was fingeprinted but yet he was identifide by his CA drivers license (don't forget about the person sitting in front of Caolwood in a red car), but yet he had not clothes on so don't know where he would have had that drivers license1

18. There are 7 variations of Michael's name in the autopsy report, the date of the autopsy has been altered from 4-20- 09(04) to 06-26-09. And there is no name or case # on the medical report, so who does it belong to?

19. The drugs in the autopsy report tells us that Murray was prescribing pills to Michael long before he became his doctor for the 02 concerts. Murray prescribed in Dec. 08 (same time Michael moved to Carolwood) and also prescribed on April 28th.

20. 2 different lidocanes (lidocaine) are being talked about in the report. the one Murray prescribed and the one as a lotion for burns, rashes....

21. The drug Flomax that was prescribed matches to the autopsy report that someone had an enlarged prostate.

22. The two pages of diagrams (20 and 22) in the report are not intended to be of who was autopsied (Michael), so why give them to us?

23. A diabetes test was done, why do a diabetes test on a dead person?

24. Hospital blood was drawn at 1:30 and labeled 'trauma, gershwin', why was it not labeled Jackson, Michael?

25. Murray was giving Michael 2 different sedation medications - Midazolam and Propofol - why? Midazolam is out of the body after about 15 hours, propfol is out of the body very quickly but yet larger levels of propofol were found in the heart blood and urine then there was Midazolam - that can't be possible if we are talking about the same person that all of this is being done on.

26. Michaels death was ruled a homicide on August 24th - the medical report shows that it was final on August 7th and indicates acute propofol intoxification. It took 17 days for the media to be told about the homicide!

27. The inmate info page (which is no longer available on a search) shows us that someone was in jail from 2-8-2010 to 2-25-2010 - 17 days. That matches the days it took from when it was legally a homicide to when the media found out.

28. The #'s listed associated with the paramedics on the ambulance report (33663 and 32907) do not match on the registry site for paramedics/emt's. Those numbers match for Erik Lee (expired license 9-30-2010-E033663) and Randall Johnson (12-31-2012 - E032907). Paramedic Blount's license is P16415 and paramedic Senneff's license is P01230.

29. The ambulance report form F-902M cannot be accessed on the internet - all links have been disabled to view the document!

30. The ambulance report is not completely filled out or has 'questionable' items - it does not list the vehicle that transported Michael or the reason for it. Michael is listed at 150 lbs. vs. the 136 lbs. listed in the autopsy report, DOA (dead on arrival) is not checked on the form even though the paramedics say he was dead when they got there and he looked like a hospice person. Michael is spelled as Micheal, his date of birth is listed as 8-28 instead of 8-29 and the CA license for Murray is listed as G001168 when Murray's CA license is G71169.

31. The ekg strip gives us a time of 11:51:33 - the ambulance did not arrive until 12:26 - 35 minutes BEFORE the ambulance arrived Michael was hooked up to an ekg! IF the time had not been set for daylight saving time then the time on the ekg would be 12:51:33 - ok the paramedics say Michael was dead, but yet he was hooked up to the machine 30 minutes AFTER the ambulance arrived. Doesn't make sense either way you look at it.


Wow just look at all the stuff that has been uncoverd! I can understand a few inconsistencies when a person passes away but this is just too overwhelming of EVIDENCE that shows that Michael is still with us.

And you guys know that there is tons more of what has been discovered on this great adventure of ours!

We still have the ambulances (more from UCLA and Carolwood - believe will be excited about this!), the monitor, the hearings, TII, the Michael cd, the album cover and the cd booklet (one of my favorites). Oh gosh how could I forget! The 02 press conferences - the most debated item I think of this whole hoax!

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PostSubject: Re: Interesting puzzle pieces   Interesting puzzle pieces Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2011 2:50 pm

Wow! Thanks for sharing Manu060662!

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PostSubject: Re: Interesting puzzle pieces   Interesting puzzle pieces Icon_minitimeMon Apr 22, 2013 5:27 pm

daemon.trances wrote:
One step ahead of you RogerRabbit! I took the picture of the top of the coroners report that Clueless (the user on that form) made and i added stuff. All my additions are in either RED or ORANGE with CIRCLES instead of SQUARES....

Interesting puzzle pieces The_mj10


I'm gonna go from left to right across the rows okay?


  • First is the incident date, and it says 062509. Good, except for the 9 looks like a 4...

  • The second and third boxes are the Incident Number and the Dispatch code, both of which are SUPPOSED TO have FOUR digits, there are only 3 digits in each.

  • Next 3 boxes are fine.

  • Box number 7 is FIRST ON SCENE (code of paramedic/EMT that arrived first... there are supposed to be 5 digits (there is) but there's clearly an EXTRA SPACE!

  • Next box is for false calls (if that particular call proved to be fake). Nothing is written in that box, but there is a questionable mark, it could've possibly been erased as well.

  • Next two boxes are fine.

  • Last box (Dead On Arrival) SHOULD'VE been checked off (the paramedics said he was dead when they got to his house, remember?)

  • First box is the Company ID #, and there are supposed to be 5 digits, ONE IS MISSING!

  • Second and third boxes are the time of alarm and time of scene (time when they arrived) and they are set in military time. We can see that it only took 4 minutes from the time of the alarm to get the paramedics to his house... this sounds HIGHLY improbable, I would think it's a larger distance between MJJ's house and the location of the ambulance... (maybe, maybe not)

  • Next box is time of starting transport to UCLA, there's only supposed to be 4 digits (there is) but there's ANOTHER EXTRA SPACE!

  • Next 4 boxes are fine.

  • First box is the ID # for the hospital the patient was transferred to (in this case, UCLA). The ID # checks out with the hospital, but here's the interesting part! THERE ARE TWO UCLA HOSPITALS!!! One in (I think) LA and the other in SANTA MONICA. Remember when we saw that video about how UCLA couldn't comment on what happened on that day and stuff? WEIRD!

  • The box RIGHT UNDERNEATH that box is weird. Why? This box is entitled Code 3. This box is ONLY TO BE CHECKED if the patient in question was transported in "emergency mode" (I don't know the correct term). "Emergency mode" is when a patient is transported with the vehicle's sirens on and all the noises activated for the ambulance in question. So basically, it's saying that MJJ was transported to the hospital WITH THE SIRENS and SOUNDS ON... when he wasn't (remember that video about the sirens being off, and the ambulance waiting for the tour bus to exit first from MJJ's driveway?)

That's it for now. Part Two is coming up tomorrow! (I have homework to do! (:-D)

Just noticing something on my peruse of the forum after a SUPER long time of not being here...

Look at the time of scene and time of departure... look at the difference between the time! It says that they arrived at the scene at 12:26, then came back at 13:07. That means that they arrived there at 12:26, and left at 1:07. That means it took them a whole 43 MINUTES TO LEAVE his house to go to UCLA. I don't know about you, but usually when Paramedics have a patient in critical condition, they don't try and revive him on the scene, they place him on the stretcher and try to revive on the go, right? Their objective is to get to the hospital as fast as possible (correct me if I'm wrong).

Michael was OBVIOUSLY in critical condition...so why didn't they try to hurry faster to the hospital so he'd get better care? Hmmm? Why did they wait? To send off MJ to begin the 'hoax'?

Just some thoughts.
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